Brand new blog! Slightly new blog post on strandedwind:
Don't click on this link! But shortly after starting this blog I got clicks from here:
I apologize for the confusion, but it seems like the hackers like to put spam etc on blogs that criticize sock puppets and links to death threats and the Netroots.
I'll be posting at from now on, I don't think they'll send traffic from Wikipedia again, but we'll see...
See earlier diary on Wikipedia weirdness:
An attempt to figure out what's going on with all the hijacked Twitter accounts and fake news stories.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Neal R. watches my Tweets but I can't read his
Updated version of this post with more information at my new blog:
Introduction and semi-disclaimer:
* I'm not revealing all my phone and Twitter interactions with Neal Rauhauser now since he appears to be using everything I publicly write (or send in emails or DMs) against me already. I also want to remind everyone that it's hard to tell what is what since hackers can send fake Direct Messages on Twitter and do all kinds of other dirty tricks. I've been getting punk'd for a while now, I realize, and other people I'm writing about may be victims, as well. Perhaps even Neal R., but if so, they are using HIS playbooks. *
I barely even knew Neal existed until Jen Preston from The New York Times asked me on June 23 - spelling his first name wrong and not telling me his last: "who is neil r?"
I sent her a bunch of DMs asking what his last name was that she probably never received and we had a few odd phone calls where she ducked the question and wouldn't answer me why she was also talking to Lee Stranahan.
I'm almost certain Jennifer Preston of The New York Times has been punk'd, although her role in getting New York Times reporters on to social networking sites so that hackers can take advantage of reporters smells a bit fishy, and honestly, it's hard to tell even if Neal R. or Lee Stranahan sent what they sent to me since TWITTER AND FACEBOOK CAN DEFINITELY BE HACKED.
Then on June 26, Preston warned me that he was a "dangerous" Democratic operative, oddly misspelling his name again.
Goatsred followed me late in the evening on June 25th after I publicly tweeted that I thought he got a raw deal in the Weinergate scandal, smeared at the Smoking Gun and Daily Kos for meaningless private and fantastical things he did or didn't do in the past.
Mike Stack mentioned Neal's name in a direct message to me that night, then the next day Neal R. DM'd me on June 26th and told me he had a scoop about Weinergate. After I sent him my phone number I got strange texts that I googled and found were potential spam sites that hackers might use to trap your personal information. He ducked my calls and DMs even though I knew he was reading them on Twitter - you can see when someone's on twitter on the left side of your screen in the DM section.
That same day he wrote a note to someone who used to work with me at a former job, asking, "I see from Twitter, Did he leave /w personality rub, or was there an ethics problem? Sounds like he's just out, minor drama /w John (Byrne?) when he leave. I want to make sure not another Clayton Ryan type character."
I never heard of Clayton Ryan before, but he appears to be some Daily Kos diarist who accused Andrew Breitbart of outrageous things (like the kind of stuff Neal himself does). More can be read on Clayton Ryan at this link:
Then Neal R. called me two days later when I told him I only wanted him to DM me and proceeded to brag about how he worked on 44 Democratic campaigns - like it proudly says on his Daily Kos profile at - 29 under the table in secret because he was being threatened and harassed by the right.
I immediately stopped him and told him that that was against FEC laws and that I didn't want to hear anything else that he had to say, and we began arguing with each other. I told him I'd only talk on Twitter and we did (you can see the tweets we shared that day where he made indirect threats to my family, twice after I asked him not to....or maybe you can't since he protected his tweets).
Our phone call was a little bit over ninety seconds long.
On June 28, Neal Rauhauser sent a smear letter about me to some bloggers, claiming that he was "treated to ten minutes of him ranting about all sorts of things I've supposedly done."
StrandedWind, the Daily Kos smear specialist, added, among other things, "So, maybe this is a manic phase for someone bipolar, maybe late onset schizophrenia given that he had a good job with Raw Story for about four years, but this is a person who is not well."
Rauhauser - who has written a number of diaries at Daily Kos using the name StrandedWind on how to confuse your perceived enemies by spreading misinformation and slander for a greater cause - added, "any information he might think he has is extremely suspect given his mental state."
"Come on comic book villain too chicken to say an out and out threat, but willing to hint at it because of perversity..." I tweeted to Neal Rauhauser aka StrandedWind on June 29th after he made three indirect threats to my family.
Neal R. replied, "Threats require a time, a place, a method. They're actually quite rare on the intert00bz. Menacing behavior is much more common"
Shortly after menacing me, I guess Neal Rauhauser decided to menace the innocent Jennifer George in California.
from neal rauhauser
date Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 1:28 PM
subject Researching Weiner stalking, not interested in you
So, I am researching the Weiner stalking, I have a short list of people I know were involved, a few more that I think were involved, and I might spend another month or three watching and gathering info. You're not on my list at all. I do like Ginger Lee, Meagan Broussard, Mike Stack, and I think I know where to find the person who posed as Dan Wolfe.
I see this tiresome Stranahan fellow bothering you, and maybe this Patterico creature would like to get into the act, too. Sorry to hear you're facing this - they pulled something similar to Weinergate with me last fall, but I'm not a big fish like Weiner so it didn't go anywhere. But that's why I take this stuff so seriously.
Maybe you've been told things that would help me solve the puzzle. Feel free to whisper in my ear if that's the case, either from this one or anonymously - my email is quite public. If you're sick of it all and just want it to stop I can understand that, too ...
Neal Rauhauser
More here: &
Neal Rauhauser aka StrandedWind made his tweets private on June 29 after indirectly threatening my family three times but he keeps a list online of everything Patterico, Stranahan and I say on twitter (or what I say and he's writing on the other two hacked accounts perhaps). StrandedWind's mysterious followers with fake names and scary avatars on twitter accounts are really interested in what I write.
Neal's file is called "Patterico Stranahan Meltdown" and atop the five pages it says @nealrauhauser/goatsred" List View.
You can see it below ( ) until Neal R scrubs it from the net.
Here's one exchange we had, notice how he ducked my serious question, taunted me and mocked me as insane, just how his strandedwind strategy tactic pamphlets at Daily Kos (or expunged from the internet) advise:
Patterico Stranahan Meltdown
Introduction and semi-disclaimer:
* I'm not revealing all my phone and Twitter interactions with Neal Rauhauser now since he appears to be using everything I publicly write (or send in emails or DMs) against me already. I also want to remind everyone that it's hard to tell what is what since hackers can send fake Direct Messages on Twitter and do all kinds of other dirty tricks. I've been getting punk'd for a while now, I realize, and other people I'm writing about may be victims, as well. Perhaps even Neal R., but if so, they are using HIS playbooks. *
I barely even knew Neal existed until Jen Preston from The New York Times asked me on June 23 - spelling his first name wrong and not telling me his last: "who is neil r?"
I sent her a bunch of DMs asking what his last name was that she probably never received and we had a few odd phone calls where she ducked the question and wouldn't answer me why she was also talking to Lee Stranahan.
I'm almost certain Jennifer Preston of The New York Times has been punk'd, although her role in getting New York Times reporters on to social networking sites so that hackers can take advantage of reporters smells a bit fishy, and honestly, it's hard to tell even if Neal R. or Lee Stranahan sent what they sent to me since TWITTER AND FACEBOOK CAN DEFINITELY BE HACKED.
Then on June 26, Preston warned me that he was a "dangerous" Democratic operative, oddly misspelling his name again.
Neall R is a dem operative. at this point do not engage. very dangerous. Direct message sent by Jennifer Preston (@NYT_JenPreston) to you (@ronbryn) on Jun 26, 7:46 AM. |
NYT_JenPreston Jennifer Preston |
Goatsred followed me late in the evening on June 25th after I publicly tweeted that I thought he got a raw deal in the Weinergate scandal, smeared at the Smoking Gun and Daily Kos for meaningless private and fantastical things he did or didn't do in the past.
Mike Stack mentioned Neal's name in a direct message to me that night, then the next day Neal R. DM'd me on June 26th and told me he had a scoop about Weinergate. After I sent him my phone number I got strange texts that I googled and found were potential spam sites that hackers might use to trap your personal information. He ducked my calls and DMs even though I knew he was reading them on Twitter - you can see when someone's on twitter on the left side of your screen in the DM section.
That same day he wrote a note to someone who used to work with me at a former job, asking, "I see from Twitter, Did he leave /w personality rub, or was there an ethics problem? Sounds like he's just out, minor drama /w John (Byrne?) when he leave. I want to make sure not another Clayton Ryan type character."
I never heard of Clayton Ryan before, but he appears to be some Daily Kos diarist who accused Andrew Breitbart of outrageous things (like the kind of stuff Neal himself does). More can be read on Clayton Ryan at this link:
Then Neal R. called me two days later when I told him I only wanted him to DM me and proceeded to brag about how he worked on 44 Democratic campaigns - like it proudly says on his Daily Kos profile at - 29 under the table in secret because he was being threatened and harassed by the right.
I immediately stopped him and told him that that was against FEC laws and that I didn't want to hear anything else that he had to say, and we began arguing with each other. I told him I'd only talk on Twitter and we did (you can see the tweets we shared that day where he made indirect threats to my family, twice after I asked him not to....or maybe you can't since he protected his tweets).
Our phone call was a little bit over ninety seconds long.
On June 28, Neal Rauhauser sent a smear letter about me to some bloggers, claiming that he was "treated to ten minutes of him ranting about all sorts of things I've supposedly done."
StrandedWind, the Daily Kos smear specialist, added, among other things, "So, maybe this is a manic phase for someone bipolar, maybe late onset schizophrenia given that he had a good job with Raw Story for about four years, but this is a person who is not well."
Rauhauser - who has written a number of diaries at Daily Kos using the name StrandedWind on how to confuse your perceived enemies by spreading misinformation and slander for a greater cause - added, "any information he might think he has is extremely suspect given his mental state."
"Come on comic book villain too chicken to say an out and out threat, but willing to hint at it because of perversity..." I tweeted to Neal Rauhauser aka StrandedWind on June 29th after he made three indirect threats to my family.
Neal R. replied, "Threats require a time, a place, a method. They're actually quite rare on the intert00bz. Menacing behavior is much more common"
Shortly after menacing me, I guess Neal Rauhauser decided to menace the innocent Jennifer George in California.
from neal rauhauser
date Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 1:28 PM
subject Researching Weiner stalking, not interested in you
So, I am researching the Weiner stalking, I have a short list of people I know were involved, a few more that I think were involved, and I might spend another month or three watching and gathering info. You're not on my list at all. I do like Ginger Lee, Meagan Broussard, Mike Stack, and I think I know where to find the person who posed as Dan Wolfe.
I see this tiresome Stranahan fellow bothering you, and maybe this Patterico creature would like to get into the act, too. Sorry to hear you're facing this - they pulled something similar to Weinergate with me last fall, but I'm not a big fish like Weiner so it didn't go anywhere. But that's why I take this stuff so seriously.
Maybe you've been told things that would help me solve the puzzle. Feel free to whisper in my ear if that's the case, either from this one or anonymously - my email is quite public. If you're sick of it all and just want it to stop I can understand that, too ...
Neal Rauhauser
More here: &
Neal Rauhauser aka StrandedWind made his tweets private on June 29 after indirectly threatening my family three times but he keeps a list online of everything Patterico, Stranahan and I say on twitter (or what I say and he's writing on the other two hacked accounts perhaps). StrandedWind's mysterious followers with fake names and scary avatars on twitter accounts are really interested in what I write.
Neal's file is called "Patterico Stranahan Meltdown" and atop the five pages it says @nealrauhauser/goatsred" List View.
You can see it below ( ) until Neal R scrubs it from the net.
Here's one exchange we had, notice how he ducked my serious question, taunted me and mocked me as insane, just how his strandedwind strategy tactic pamphlets at Daily Kos (or expunged from the internet) advise:
Neal Rauhauser @NealRauhauser replied to you: |
@ronbryn Ssshh. I'm hacking into HAARP, the machine that controls the voices in your head. You'll just KNOW here in a minute. Jun 28, 2:48 PM via web |
In reply to… |
@NealRauhauser Give me the name of one Democratic campaign operative I can call who will vouch for you & tell me what you did as work. Jun 28, 2:42 PM via web |
Patterico Stranahan Meltdown
"Human Doings" and Levi Felix
Has anyone seen this picture of Levi Felix before?
According to the online resume of Levi Felix (viewable at unless he scrubs it), the University of California graduate is the co-founder of a firm called Human Doings, the Vice President and CAO (chief activism officer) at CAUSECAST, and also has been a freelance writer for Green Living Online, and once worked at Greener at Ecotainment Green Consulting.
Other past Levi Felix gigs include:
"Creative Development: Levi will make sure that what you are experiencing is as exciting to your senses as a perfectly planned thai cuisine: spicy on the lips and tear jerking, causing a bit of sweat to drip down your forehead, topped off with a sweet refreshing drink and a side order of fresh to cool your roll...only to then be reminded of your experience hours later with a trip to the bano.."
Levi Felix's specialties include:
"Marketing: Viral video, community building, graphic design, branding, website and intranet plans and layout"
"Music Festival Logistics and Production: Fundraising, booking talent, organizational outreach, environmental consultant, and human relations"
Human Doings appears to be some kind of temp agency to cart in socially-minded socialist, communist, anarchist and freethinking artists from outside the United States to fight for the cause.
From Levi Felix's resume:
This was his last gig:
According to the online resume of Levi Felix (viewable at unless he scrubs it), the University of California graduate is the co-founder of a firm called Human Doings, the Vice President and CAO (chief activism officer) at CAUSECAST, and also has been a freelance writer for Green Living Online, and once worked at Greener at Ecotainment Green Consulting.
Other past Levi Felix gigs include:
- Waste Diversion/Green Team Co-Coordinator at Suite Treatments/Rock The Bells SF 2007
- Founder and Logistics Director at Moishe Mobile
- International Relations, Director of Creative Innovation, Sustainability at The Forest Foundation
- Green Operations Assistant/Green Ambassador at Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival
- Co-Founder and Director of Operations at Chilla Vista
- Hebrew School Teacher at Congregation B'nai Brith
- Founder and Director at Darfur Freedom Festival
"Creative Development: Levi will make sure that what you are experiencing is as exciting to your senses as a perfectly planned thai cuisine: spicy on the lips and tear jerking, causing a bit of sweat to drip down your forehead, topped off with a sweet refreshing drink and a side order of fresh to cool your roll...only to then be reminded of your experience hours later with a trip to the bano.."
Levi Felix's specialties include:
"Marketing: Viral video, community building, graphic design, branding, website and intranet plans and layout"
"Music Festival Logistics and Production: Fundraising, booking talent, organizational outreach, environmental consultant, and human relations"
Human Doings appears to be some kind of temp agency to cart in socially-minded socialist, communist, anarchist and freethinking artists from outside the United States to fight for the cause.
From Levi Felix's resume:
Human Doings
Leisure, Travel & Tourism industry
September 2010 – Present (11 months)
Vision, Creative + Product Development
"A Human Powered Work Exchange Human Doings is a network that connects travelers with hosts and worldwide work exchange opportunities in the regions they visit, where they can use their skills and resources to help one another, creating community in exchange. It is an interactive peer-to-peer created database of hosts, travelers, non-paying jobs, bartering and real world work exchange volunteer opportunities - where money has no value and experience is our strongest currency."
"We are dedicated to providing people with ways to talk less, do more and go further together. We make it easier for others to utilize online to get offline, and create cross-cultural relationships with real face value."
"We believe in a world where borders shouldn’t divide our values, and that expanding cultural understanding will nourish diversity, bringing us closer together as more compassionate and creative global citizens."
"A Human Powered Work Exchange Human Doings is a network that connects travelers with hosts and worldwide work exchange opportunities in the regions they visit, where they can use their skills and resources to help one another, creating community in exchange. It is an interactive peer-to-peer created database of hosts, travelers, non-paying jobs, bartering and real world work exchange volunteer opportunities - where money has no value and experience is our strongest currency."
"We are dedicated to providing people with ways to talk less, do more and go further together. We make it easier for others to utilize online to get offline, and create cross-cultural relationships with real face value."
"We believe in a world where borders shouldn’t divide our values, and that expanding cultural understanding will nourish diversity, bringing us closer together as more compassionate and creative global citizens."
This was his last gig:
Vice President / CAO (chief activism officer)
Nonprofit; Nonprofit Organization Management industry
January 2008 – April 2010 (2 years 4 months)
"What is Causecast?"
"We are a coalition of change-makers, nonprofits and every day people combining the power of media, technology, philanthropy and business for the greater good. As a community we are active in causes like child slavery, global warming, mentoring, animal rights and autism research.
Our community is growing and we are building a movement. Join us at"
Saturday, July 16, 2011
DictatorFelix aka Bryan Felix scrubs hack photos
According to his Twitter profile - at - Bryan Felix is a "Cal State U., Fresno student with much promise but currently heading in no specific direction. ΑΕΚΔΒ ."
A LinkedIn resume that may belong to the same Bryan Felix adds, "Executive Producer/Editor for Online Media Companies" in the "Greater Los Angeles Area" and a Production Assistant at E Entertainment, an Executive Producer at, LLC and a graduate of California State University..
Earlier, I posted a picture from an online photo account that belonged to him. I wrote that I was going to post another later today but Dictator Felix removed his photo from the Internet, which used to be here:
It's a good thing I already saved it.
The picture appears to show a cell phone mixing up twitter users. There was a comment that accompanied the photo that said, "YoGirlLilJ weird. I tweeted ladyyfig but it has your pic?"
A LinkedIn resume that may belong to the same Bryan Felix adds, "Executive Producer/Editor for Online Media Companies" in the "Greater Los Angeles Area" and a Production Assistant at E Entertainment, an Executive Producer at, LLC and a graduate of California State University..
Earlier, I posted a picture from an online photo account that belonged to him. I wrote that I was going to post another later today but Dictator Felix removed his photo from the Internet, which used to be here:
It's a good thing I already saved it.
The picture appears to show a cell phone mixing up twitter users. There was a comment that accompanied the photo that said, "YoGirlLilJ weird. I tweeted ladyyfig but it has your pic?"