Hackers are targeting journalists and appear to be posting fake stories on their blogs and websites after taking over people's twitter or facebook or email accounts by getting people to click on links (that must contain some kind of virus).
I'm going to post what I can currently see on Patterico's account...and later today I'll post some tweets from my account (I changed my avatar yesterday but I notice old posts are being updated with the new pic, but many old tweets still show my older avatar).
In my opinion, the Patterico tweets that stand out are the conversations with Lee Stranahan. Patterico recently froze out Lee from posting articles at his blog after he busted him using his name to leave a sock puppet comment in one of his threads. "Incidentally, I have not 'banned' him but simply disabled his account to 'no role on this blog,'" Patterico wrote. See this post for more: www.patterico.com/2011/07/02/on-not-making-assumptions
Early on July 7, @Patterico tweeted "Lie on, Macduff. Over and out" to Lee Stranahan, but then on July 9 he uncharacteristically badmouthed a Massachusetts police detective www.twitter.com/Patterico/status/89561793646698496 who is reportedly investigating alleged death threats directed at a woman in Boston. I was told by two different sources that the threats are real, but Lee Stranahan has conspiracy theorized (almost definitely, deliberately confusing the narrative, as all the hacker socks keep doing) that they're fake or that the victim was falsely blaming him for threats.
Then on July 11, Patterico begins talking to Lee again as if there had never been any friction at all between them over the last few weeks.
I've been banning and reporting for spam every time an obvious bot sock attaches to my account...and it seems to work. I've also stopped using Twitter direct messages completely and suggest everyone do the same (now and forever, in my opinion, since it's untrustworthy and easily hackable, it appears).
@ronbryn As someone who claims to be a longtime reader of mine, what are your favorite posts or series I have done and why? Be specific!
A Funny Thing Happened in My Pants on the Way to the Forum. #improvefilmtitlesbyaddinginmypants
Spoke to detective on case where JG claimed @Stranahan threatened her. Not just unhelpful; appallingly rude.
#tcot #CA36 Does the Los Angeles Times Understand the Meaning of the Word 'Discredited'? http://bit.ly/qQhaYO
@ZoeyalaMode Any amateur can elicit a so-called "laugh." It takes a true master of humor to prompt a barely perceptible smile of amusement.
Anyone can see Patterico twitter was hacked now...he has crazy message to andrewbreitbart up now....
@AndrewBreitbart I am a conservative who does not hate you but loves banging ... oh hi honey ... the drum of freedom!
@ronbryn Good tip. Extensive and revealing quotes here: is.gd/xaPtPy Note that the goal is to create paranoia.
@ronbryn Yeah? So Raw Story and Brett Kimberlin are unconnected? Really? @Liberty_Chick
@Stranahan You yourself called for Reid to be asked questions after fake IDs revealed. But I am disengaging. Lie on, Macduff. Over and out.